Archivi tag: United Nations

Biblioteca digitale delle Nazioni Unite

Biblioteca digitale delle Nazioni Unite

Frutto della collaborazione tra la Biblioteca delle Nazioni Unite Dag Hammarskjöld e la Biblioteca dell’Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite di Ginevra, la nuova Biblioteca digitale delle Nazioni Unite, inaugurata nel giugno 2017, dà accesso a tutta la documentazione prodotta dall’ONU.

A result of the successful collaboration between the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library and the United Nations Office at Geneva Library, the platform provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format free of charge. It is built on open source technology developed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and encompasses administration and open source metrics. The system incorporates content presented in various “stand-alone databases” such as the UN Bibliographic Information System (UNBISNET) and the UN Official Document System (ODS) – almost 900,000 records and counting. It provides one global point of access to UN information – current and historical. Enhancements will be rolled out on a regular basis. Starting June 2017, we will begin phase 2 of the system’s development and will extend an invitation to to other UN Libraries to join us and use the platform.

What can I find in the United Nations Digital Library now?
– UN documents and open access publications
– UN voting data and speeches
– UN maps
– UN content freely available around the world
– Content in 6+ languages

Un video promozionale della biblioteca digitale è disponibile su YouTube.

URL: <>

Una guida alla documentazione delle Nazioni Unite


Sul sito della Dag Hammarskjöld Library, la biblioteca delle Nazioni Unite fondata nel 1946, sono disponibili utili strumenti che aiutano a orientarsi nella documentazione prodotta dall’organizzazione internazionale nel corso degli anni.

Segnaliamo, in particolare:


The Dag Hammarskjöld Library is part of the United Nations headquarters and is connected to the Secretariat and conference buildings through ground level and underground corridors. It is named after Dag Hammarskjöld, the second Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The Library has specialized in two major areas. Firstly, it is the main depository for United Nations documents and publications and maintains a selected collection of materials of the specialized agencies and United Nations affiliated bodies. Secondly, the Library collects books, periodicals and other materials related to the Organization’s programmes of activities.