Archivi tag: UNESCO

Histoire générale de l’Afrique: la storia dell’Africa in una pubblicazione dell’UNESCO


Sul sito dell’Unesco è disponibile gratuitamente una monumentale opera dedicata alla storia dell’Africa in otto volumi (il nono volume è in corso di preparazione).

«Une œuvre pionnière, à ce jour inégalée dans son ambition de couvrir l’histoire de la totalité du continent africain, depuis l’apparition de l’homme. Une Histoire qui ne laisse plus dans l’ombre la période pré-coloniale et qui insère profondément le destin de l’Afrique dans celui de l’humanité en mettant en évidence les relations avec les autres continents et la part des Africains dans le dialogue des civilisations. La collection complète est publiée en huit volumes».

URL: <>

[via La Criée]

Risorse Open Access dell’UNESCO


Il 10 dicembre 2013 l’UNESCO ha lanciato Open Access Repository (OAR), un archivio istituzionale ad accesso aperto che mette a disposizione più di 300 pubblicazioni tra libri, report e articoli.

Riportiamo a titolo di esempio due delle pubblicazioni disponibili (per consultarle tutte vai alla maschera di ricerca):


Dal comunicato stampa rilasciato dall’UNESCO:

UNESCO has launched its Open Access Repository (OAR) making more than 300 on-line books, reports, and articles freely available. The OAR will operate under a new open licensing system developed by the Creative Commons organization specifically for intergovernmental agencies.

Currently, the Repository contains works in some 12 languages, including major UNESCO reports and key research publications.

As well as the 300 Open Access publications, UNESCO will provide on-line availability to hundreds of other important reports and titles. Covering a wide range of topics from all regions of the world, this knowledge can now be shared by the general public, professionals, researchers, students and policy-makers. All new publications will be freely available under an open license.

URL : <>

ROAD – Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources


Il 16 dicembre 2013 è stato inaugurato in versione beta il servizio ROAD (URL: <>) sviluppato nel corso degli ultimi mesi dall’ISSN Network in collaborazione con l’UNESCO.

Si tratta di un database di periodici scientifici e altre risorse accademiche open access, a copertura internazionale. E’ possibile applicare filtri di ricerca per paese di pubblicazione e area tematica.

Esistono già altri strumenti per censire e indicizzare le riviste open access: questo tuttavia presenta come valore aggiunto la peculiarità di contenere esclusivamente risorse identificate da codice ISSN (per saperne di più leggi qui). Esse saranno monitorate periodicamente per accertarsi che la caratteristica di accesso pubblico delle singole risorse rimanga inalterata.


ROAD, the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO.  Launched as a beta version on 16th December 2013,  ROAD will be developped during 2014 (extension of the coverage, additional features…).

ROAD provides a free access to a subset of the ISSN Register (1,7 millions of bibliographic records, available on subscription, more info). This subset comprises  bibliographic records which describe scholarly resources in Open Access which have been assigned an ISSN by the ISSN Network : journals, monographic series, conference proceedings and academic repositories. ROAD records are also downloadable as a MARC XML dump and will be available as RDF triples in 2014.

ROAD covers different types of online scholarly resources:

  • journals
  • conferences proceedings
  • academic repositories
  • monographic series (from 2014)

The geographic, disciplinary and linguistic coverages of ROAD aim to be comprehensive.

The following criteria have been established for selecting the resources:

  • open access to the whole content of the resource (free registration is accepted)
  • no moving wall
  • the resource comprises mainly research papers
  • the audience is mostly researchers and scholars

URL: <>

[si ringrazia Flavia Cancedda – CNR di Roma per la mail indirizzata alla lista dei bibliotecari italiani AIB-CUR]

Al via la Biblioteca digitale mondiale dell’UNESCO (The World Digital Library)


Oggi, 21 aprile 2009, viene inaugurata a Parigi la Biblioteca digitale mondiale dell’Unesco.

“The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.

The principal objectives of the WDL are to:

  • Promote international and intercultural understanding;
  • Expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the Internet;
  • Provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences;
  • Build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and between countries.

The WDL makes it possible to discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures from around the world on one site, in a variety of ways. These cultural treasures include, but are not limited to, manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, and architectural drawings.

Items on the WDL may easily be browsed by place, time, topic, type of item, and contributing institution, or can be located by an open-ended search, in several languages. Special features include interactive geographic clusters, a timeline, advanced image-viewing and interpretive capabilities. Item-level descriptions and interviews with curators about featured items provide additional information.

Navigation tools and content descriptions are provided in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Many more languages are represented in the actual books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and other primary materials, which are provided in their original languages.

The WDL was developed by a team at the U.S. Library of Congress, with contributions by partner institutions in many countries; the support of the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and the financial support of a number of companies and private foundations”.

URL: <>