Archivi tag: The European Library

Quotidiani e giornali storici digitalizzati: Europeana Newspapers


Il progetto Europeana Newspapers (>> accedi al portale, che è parte della più ampia biblioteca digitale The European Library) mette a disposizione della libera consultazione online più di 10 milioni di pagine digitalizzate di giornali e quotidiani storici pubblicati in Europa.

Si possono applicare filtri di ricerca per data, luogo di pubblicazione, titolo, lingua, biblioteca che ha fornito la copia digitalizzata.

«The Historic Newspapers collection was assembled via Europeana Newspapers – an EU-funded project running from 2012-2015. This project was responsible for:

  • Creating the 10 million pages of full-text content via Optical Character; Recognition of existing digital images from partner libraries in the project;
  • Building the Historic Newspapers interface at The European Library;
  • Providing information on newspapers titles to Europeana.

The material included in the Historic Newspapers collection has been provided by a number of libraries across Europe. Much of the content is in the public domain but some remains under copyright. Please seek the written permission of the contributing library before reproducing, distributing or commercially exploit any material from this collection.

The European Library is keen to explore with the contributing libraries on the other ways that the data can be redistributed, eg. via APIs and open data. We will continue that discussion and try and make the data available in other ways.

The Historic Newspapers collection contains 10 million pages of full-text content. This text was created using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) – an automated process that converts visual images of numbers and letters into a machine-readable format. Once converted, users can search the text for names, locations and other terms located in the newspaper.

Because historic newspapers were sometimes printed in unusual fonts or on poor quality paper, the electronically translated text can contain errors. In the future, we hope to give users of the Historic Newspapers collection the ability to submit corrections to the OCR text».

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