Archivi tag: tesi in storia

The Directory of History Dissertations: tesi in storia discusse negli USA e in Canada dal 1882 ad oggi


La banca dati dell’AHA – American Historical Association contiene i dati relativi a più di 21.000 tesi di dottorato (PhD) di argomento storico che sono state discusse negli Stati Uniti d’America o in Canada a partire dal 1882 ad oggi, comprese quelle che sono ancora in fase di elaborazione.

Dalla pagina di presentazione:

The Directory of History Dissertations contains more than 21,000 dissertations that have been completed or are currently in progress in the United States and Canada since 1882. This directory is the merger of two previous online publications, Dissertations in Progress (online from 1999 to 2005) and the Directory of Completed Dissertations.

The information in this Directory has primarily been supplied by various PhD granting departments. In the spring of 2003, the AHA sent a query to all departments known to grant PhDs asking for a list of all degrees granted. Some departments replied with complete lists, others with partial lists, and some did not respond at all. If you are aware of dissertations that are missing, or entries that contain inaccurate information, please contact the granting department, and ask them to supply the missing or corrected information to the AHA. In order to maintain editorial quality, the AHA is not able to take revisions directly from scholars or the general public.

Each year as part of the annual updating of the Directory of History Departments, the AHA collects information about dissertations currently being produced by students in PhD granting departments. Until the 1998–99 edition this information was published as part of the Directory. Beginning in 1999 Dissertations in Progress became a separate, online-only publication available for free through the AHA web site.

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