DIPPAM – Documentin Ireland: Parliament, People and Migration è un archivio online sulla storia dell’Irlanda e i flussi migratori che hanno coinvolto la popolazione irlandese tra il XVIII e il XX secolo.
L’archivio digitale comprende tre database distinti, interrogabili anche con la modalità di ricerca incrociata: EPPI (15.000 pubblicazioni governative prodotte dal parlamento inglese), IED (fonti primarie sulla storia dell’emigrazione irlandese, principalmente lettere spedite e ricevute da irlandesi emigrati), VMR (90 interviste audio a cittadini dell’Ulster emigrati all’estero).
EPPI – Enhanced British Parliamentary Papers on Ireland
EPPI is a large database of 15.000 official publications relating to all aspects of Irish affairs during the period of the Union, including bills, reports, commisions of inquiry and the published census reports. It is a rich source for the social history of Ireland as well as for statistics relating to population, emigration and other subjects.
IED – Irish Emigration Database
The IED is a virtual library of emigration-related primary sources, principally letters to and from emigrants, compiled by the Centre for Migration Studies, Omagh. This extensive collection of more than 33.000 records is drawn from a number of collections, including the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and many private donors.
VMR – Voices of Migration and Return
VMR comprises over 90 life-narrative interviews conducted with returned and non-returned migrants from Ulster (9-counties) gathered during the course of the two studies on contemporary migration (2004-2008). The study participants represent a range of geographic origins within Ulster, class background and religious denominations.
URL: <http://www.dippam.ac.uk/>