Archivi tag: storia dell’Africa

Histoire générale de l’Afrique: la storia dell’Africa in una pubblicazione dell’UNESCO


Sul sito dell’Unesco è disponibile gratuitamente una monumentale opera dedicata alla storia dell’Africa in otto volumi (il nono volume è in corso di preparazione).

«Une œuvre pionnière, à ce jour inégalée dans son ambition de couvrir l’histoire de la totalité du continent africain, depuis l’apparition de l’homme. Une Histoire qui ne laisse plus dans l’ombre la période pré-coloniale et qui insère profondément le destin de l’Afrique dans celui de l’humanité en mettant en évidence les relations avec les autres continents et la part des Africains dans le dialogue des civilisations. La collection complète est publiée en huit volumes».

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[via La Criée]

The Tombouctou Manuscripts Project


Timbuctu (Mali) fu un importante centro di sapere e circolazione della conoscenza in Africa fin dal XIII secolo.

Un importante progetto di recupero e digitalizzazione avviato nel 2002 – gradualmente esteso alla tradizione manoscritta di altri centri culturali africani – ha come obiettivo la conservazione e la valorizzazione dei preziosi documenti conservati nelle biblioteche che, a partire dagli anni ’70 del Novecento, sono state fondate in città. La situazione del patrimonio manoscritto si è fatta allarmante nel 2012, nel quadro della guerra civile che ha devastato il  Mali.

L’accesso ai documenti digitalizzati è riservato agli studiosi ed è consentito previa registrazione gratuita.

The Tombouctou Manuscripts Project, first conceptualised in 2002, was officially established in 2003 to research and document manuscript tradition in Africa.

Over the past seven years a Project team has been involved in the study of manuscript tradition in Africa, including manuscript translation, digitalisation and historical studies of book and library traditions.

The importance of the effort of preserving the Timbuktu manuscripts and its potential impact upon the fields of African Studies and African History cannot be over-emphasised. Crucial to the preservation of the Timbuktu manuscripts are the libraries that have been established in the town. The first official manuscript library to be founded was the Ahmed Baba Institute, opened in 1973 under its former name, Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Ahmed Baba (CEDRAB). From the 1990s, private libraries began to be established in Timbuktu. Today, there are 21 such libraries and five of these are easily accessible by the public.

Leggi anche la pagina italiana di Wikipedia dedicata ai manoscritti islamici di Timbuctu.

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Gli archivi digitali dell’African National Congress


L’ANC – African National Congress è il più importante partito politico sudafricano, fondato nel 1912 allo scopo di difendere i diritti e le libertà della maggioranza nera della popolazione sudafricana, in particolare contro le politiche di segregazione dell’apartheid.

Il 29 aprile 2013 è stata ufficialmente annunciata l’apertura al pubblico degli Archivi dell’ANC.

E’ disponibile online una selezione di documenti (>> qui). Gli studiosi possono fare richiesta per accedere a tutto il materiale digitalizzato (>> qui).

>> Una presentazione del progetto di digitalizzazione, disponibile su Vimeo:


For the first time in their 100-year history, the ANC Archives are accessible to the public. A selection of the archives are now available on on a public site and application can be make to gain full access to a research site that presents all the digitised material.

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[via Archivalia]

Un portale per la ricerca di risorse documentarie sull’Africa

La Biblioteca virtuale dell’Africa sub-Sahariana è un portale che consente un accesso integrato a risorse informative tradizionali (libri, riviste ecc.) e digitali (siti web, documenti digitali) di notevole interesse scientifico. Il portale interroga simultaneamente una serie di cataloghi e banche dati, facilitando l’operazione di ricerca.

The internet library sub-Saharan Africa (ilissAfrica) is a portal that offers an integrated access to relevant scientific conventional and digital information resources on the sub-Saharan Africa region. Information scattered on private or institutional websites, databases or library catalogues are brought together in order to facilitate research. Without ilissAfrica this information has to be collected in a laborious and time-consuming process.

ilissAfrica allows simultaneous searching (“General search”) in the following electronic resources:

  • Library Catalogue UB Frankfurt (mainly books)
  • Africa Section of the database World Affairs Online incl. the Africa library catalogue of GIGA Hamburg (books and journal articles) as from 1985
  • Library Catalogue of the African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands (books and journal articles)
  • Library Catalogue of the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) in Uppsala/Sweden
  • Library Catalogue of the Department of Anthropology and African Studies at Mainz University with Jahn Library and AMA
  • SSG-Section of the Swets database “Online Contents” (titles of journal articles)
  • Database on internet resources with more than 3000 websites on sub-Saharan Africa

Furthermore an Africa Section of the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) to search E-Journals is provided.

ilissAfrica is a project of the Africa Department of the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg in Frankfurt on the Main in cooperation with the GIGA Information Centre: Africa Library in Hamburg. Together they are in charge of the DFG Special Collections on sub-Saharan Africa.

The project is financed by the DFG. It is embedded in the cross-disciplinary portal for virtual libraries vascoda.

ilissAfrica supports the association “European Librarians in African Studies” (ELIAS) as a european network aiming to promote professional exchange and cooperation among its members. The “Africa Section” of the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) was one source for the Wikipedia-article “African Studies Journals“.

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Africa italiana: fascicoli digitalizzati dal 1927 al 1935

Africa italiana

BiASA – Periodici italiani digitalizzati è l’emeroteca digitale della Biblioteca di archeologia e storia dell’arte di Roma. Sul sito si possono visualizzare circa 800.000 immagini digitalizzate da 117 periodici italiani posseduti dalla Biblioteca e pubblicati tra il XVIII e i primi decenni del XX secolo.

Segnaliamo, in particolare, la digitalizzazione di tutti i fascicoli pubblicati tra il 1927 e il 1935 della rivista:

Africa italiana : rivista di storia e d’arte / a cura del Ministero delle colonie

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AfricaBib: un repertorio bibliografico dedicato all’Africa


AfricaBib è un repertorio bibliografico dedicato agli studi di scienze sociali relativi all’Africa.

Il sito comprende due database distinti, che coprono rispettivamente uno spoglio di articoli di riviste dedicate all’Africa (Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database) e la segnalazione di studi di genere (African Women Bibliographic Database). E’ disponibile anche una bibliografia sulle donne impegnate in viaggi d’esplorazione in Africa (Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa Bibliographic Database).

AfricaBib è il frutto del lavoro di Davis Bullwinkle, il quale ha diretto e coordinato il progetto in tutte le sue fasi di sviluppo dal 1974 fino al marzo 2008. Al momento del suo ritiro il repertorio bibliografico contava oltre 60.000 articoli indicizzati, con più di 500 titoli di rivista soggette a spoglio.

è un repertorio bibliografico dedicato all’Africa.
Il sito comprende due database distinti, che coprono rispettivamente lo spoglio di articoli di riviste dedicate all’Africa (Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database) e gli studi di genere (African Women Bibliographic Database). E’ disponibile anche una bibliografia sulle donne che si sono distinte in viaggi d’esplorazione e di missione in Africa (Women Travelers, Explorers and Missionaries to Africa Bibliographic Database).
AfricaBib è il risultato del lavoro di Davis Bullwinkle, che ha cominciato a compilare la bibliografia nel 1974 e ha coordinato il progetto in tutte le sue fasi di sviluppo fino al marzo 2008. Al momento del suo ritiro il repertorio bibliografico contava oltre 60.000 articoli indicizzati, contenuti in più di 500 titoli di rivista.

Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database

In February 2008 this English-language database had indexed over 60,000 articles from over 500 English-language and multilingual journals and periodicals that specialize in African Studies or consistently cover the African continent. The work was originally begun in September of 1974 and the titles were then chosen from the library at California State University-Chico. That number was later expanded by using materials from Northwestern University and other major university libraries in the United States, as well as the Library of Congress.

Each title is indexed from its first day of publication to the present, or otherwise to the date when it ceased publication or a date when the journal or periodical no longer covered Africa on a regular basis. In only a few cases have titles been dropped due to the difficulty in obtaining copies or irregularities in the journal’s publishing schedule. A title list of all journals and periodicals indexed, including the years the journals or periodicals were published and indexed, is included by a link from the front page of this database.

The titles indexed in this database represent Africana materials published in over 22 nations within North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

In November of 1999, the database began adding electronic journals to its list. These journal articles are viewable by clicking on the link that reads ‘See this Document’. Until early 2008 ten electronic journals were indexed and over 3000 articles available from the Internet are included.

African Women Bibliographic Database

In February 2008 this English-language database contained over 35,000 citations from 1986 onward. The database indexes six types of materials: books and government documents; articles appearing in edited books; periodical and journal articles; Masters theses and Ph.D. dissertations as well as a few B.A. theses and honors papers; conference papers; and videocassettes.

The database indexes current and past conference papers from the following conferences and indexes:

  • African Literature Association
  • African Studies Association
  • American Anthropological Association
  • Cairo Demographic Centre
  • Canadian Association of African Studies
  • International AIDS Conference
  • Middle East Studies Association
  • Population Association of America
  • Africana Conference Paper Index (Northwestern University)

The database is the outgrowth of a three-volume work published in 1989 by Greenwood Press that indexed materials on African women published during the International Women’s Decade, 1976-1985.

In November of 1999 the ability to index hyperlinked documents from the Internet became a reality in the database. This will greatly increase the scope of the database and allow the indexing and viewing of documents from the Internet.

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The Oxford African American Studies Center: accesso gratuito fino al 1. marzo 2009


Per festeggiare l’insediamento alla Presidenza degli Stati Uniti di Barack Obama e in occasione del Black History Month, la Oxford University Press rende eccezionalmente accessibile al pubblico fino al 1. marzo 2009, gratuitamente  e senza limiti di accesso, The Oxford African American Studies Center, una risorsa preziosa per gli studiosi della storia e delle cultura delle popolazioni africane e afro-americane.

Per accedere alla piattaforma web è sufficiente fare login inserendo questi dati:

Username: barackobama

Password: president

“The Oxford African American Studies Center combines the authority of carefully edited reference works with sophisticated technology to create the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture.

The Oxford African American Studies Center provides students, scholars and librarians with more than 8,000 articles by top scholars in the field. The core content includes:

In addition to the full-text of these works, the Center draws on other key resources from Oxford’s reference program, including the Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature, the Oxford Companion to Black British History, and selected articles from other major reference titles. Over 1,750 images, more than 300 primary sources with specially written commentaries, and nearly 150 maps have been collected to enhance this reference content. 150 charts and tables offer information on everything from demographics to government and politics to business and labor to education and the arts.

  • Over 7500 articles from Oxford’s authoritative reference program — with primary source documents, images, maps, chart and tables, and much more!
  • Search and Browse features allow you to focus and refine results by era and subject category.
  • Primary Source Documents, with specially written commentaries, take you through the personal and public histories of African Americans.
  • Maps illustrate over 90 country and territory articles, with thematic maps highlighting major events from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Timelines guide you through the history of African Americans in sports, the military, and more, including women’s history and Africa and the Diaspora.
  • Charts and tables provide information on everything from demographics to government and politics to business and labor to education and the arts”.

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