Archivi tag: storia degli USA

Inaugurata la DPLA – Digital Public Library of America


L’attesa DPLA – Digital Public Library of America, annunciata da molti mesi, è stata ufficialmente inaugurata poche ore fa. La DPLA contiene 2 milioni e 400 mila documenti.

Leggi qui la notizia:

“The Digital Public Library of America has launched a beta of its website today. The previously planned launch event was to be held at the Boston Public Library this week, but was cancelled as a result of the Boston marathon bombings.The DPLA’s portal brings together the digital collections of public libraries and museums across the country, hoping to offer a streamlined, one stop destination for searching archives.

The project is still in beta, but it launches with several special sections beyond its search portal, including a map and timeline which allow users to browse and search information and items visually, and a library of applications, giving users access to apps created by developers using the DPLA’s API. At the time of launch, the app library includes two applications, both for searching and visualizing the DPLA collections.

The Library also launches with several special exhibitions, including A History of Survivance: 19th c. Upper Midwest Native American Resources in the DPLA, developed with the Minnesota Digital Library, This Land Is Your Land: Parks and Public Spaces, developed by the South Carolina Digital Library, and Boston Sports Temples, developed by the Digital Commonwealth.

The DPLA launches with 2.4 million records, including access to the illuminated 1514 manuscript of The Book of Hours, daguerrotypes of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, and works by Thomas Jefferson”.

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Opening History: la storia degli Stati Uniti d’America nelle collezioni digitali

Opening History è un aggregatore di risorse web che consente di esplorare centinaia di collezioni digitali che contengono documenti (testi, immagini, video, fotografie ecc.) realative alla storia degli Stati Uniti d’America.

Opening History: U.S. History Resources from Libraries, Museums, and Archives is a registry of digital collections of United States history-related content and a respository of items harvested from these collections.  The related Sowing Culture blog will highlight individual items found within the portal in order to increase awareness of these resources.

Opening History is an extension of the IMLS Digital Collections and Content (IMLS DCC) project, a collaboration among the University of Illinois Library, the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (Center for Informatics Research in Science and Scholarship), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a Federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and a lifetime of learning.

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Giornali storici americani digitalizzati: un catalogo

NewspaperCat è uno strumento che facilita la ricerca online di giornali storici digitalizzati pubblicati negli Stati Uniti d’America e nei Caraibi. Contiene i link a più di 1.000 quotidiani digitalizzati in full-text.

The Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers (NewspaperCat) is a tool that facilitates the discovery of online digitized historical newspaper content from newspapers published in the United States and the Caribbean. NewspaperCat was funded by a grant from the George A. Smathers Libraries.

Search by keyword, newspaper title or by city, county or state to locate titles. From your search result, click on the link(s) to connect to the digital newspaper(s). In many cases, this content is keyword searchable, depending on the hosting organization.

NewspaperCat currently links to over 1000 full-text newspaper titles with a goal to include links to as many US and Caribbean newspapers with archival digital content as possible. Plans are to expand the Catalog as newly digitized newspaper titles are located.

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via Archivalia

The John F. Kennedy Library Digital Archives

La J.F.Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum di Boston ha reso disponibile al mondo un archivio digitale dedicato agli anni della presidenza di J.F. Kennedy, un patrimonio che costituisce una testimonianza preziosa della vita politica americana di quegli anni e della vita privata di uno dei presidenti più amati della storia. L’archivio comprenderà  milioni di documenti digitalizzati grazie alla collaborazione tra la Biblioteca J.F. Kennedy di Boston e la J.F.Kennedy Foundation e soprattutto grazie al sostegno economico di alcuni gruppi industriali, tra i quali la AT&T telecomunicazioni e la Raytheon, gigante dell’industria degli armamenti, ma contiene anche fotografie, pubbliche e private, discorsi pubblici, materiali audio video.

Nell’attività di digitalizzazione si è data precedenza al materiale più richiesto in sede, in particolare, documenti relativi all’attività presidenziale e i manoscritti di Kennedy. Tra gli audiovisivi, risultavano di particolare interesse i file con le registrazioni delle conversazioni con i principali capi di Stato. Saranno dunque  resi disponibili trecento files audio contenenti più di mille telefonate, discorsi e interventi in pubblico, una settantina di filmati, millecinquecento fotografie.

La Biblioteca di Boston è la prima delle biblioteche presidenziali che viene resa fruibile worldwide attraverso la rete.



Civil War Collection: foto e documenti online sulla guerra civile americana

Gli U.S. National Archives mettono a disposizione gratuitamente per un periodo di tempo limitato una ricchissima collezione di documenti sulla Guerra civile americana. Troverete mappe, fotografie, riproduzioni facsimiliari di documenti e molti altri materiali utili per studiosi, ricercatori e studenti.

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Campagne elettorali negli U.S.A. (1952-2012): spot televisivi online

The Living Room Candidate è un archivio digitale che contiene più di 300 spot televisivi relativi alle elezioni presidenziali americane dal 1952 ad oggi.

Il progetto è a cura del Museum of the Moving Image (Astoria, NY).

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Georgia Historic Newspapers: giornali storici digitalizzati della Georgia

La Biblioteca Digitale della Georgia contiene al suo interno una sezione dedicata ai giornali storici nella quale è possibile consultare un buon numero di quotidiani locali del XIX e del XX secolo.

Atlanta Historic Newspaper Archive

Atlanta Daily Examiner (1857)
Atlanta Daily Herald (1873-1876)
Atlanta Georgian (1906-1911)
Atlanta Intelligencer (1851; 1854-1871)
Atlantian (1911-1922)
Daily/Georgia Weekly Opinion (1867-1868)
Gate-City Guardian (1861)
Georgia Literary and Temperance Crusader (1860-1861)
New Era (1869-1872)
Southern Confederacy (1861-1864)
Southern Miscellany, and Upper Georgia Whig (1847)
Southern World (1882-1885)
Sunny South (1875-1907)
Weekly Constitution (1869-1882)

Columbus Enquirer (1828-1890)

Georgia Historic Newspapers (1750-1925)

The Cherokee Phoenix
The Dublin Post
The Colored Tribune

Southern Israelite (1929-1958; 1984-1986)

Macon Thelegraph (1826-1908)

Milledgeville Historic Newspapers Archive (1808-1920)

Federal Union (1830-1872)
Future Citizen (1914-1916)
Georgia Argus (1910; 1912; 1915)
Georgia Journal (1809-1845)
Milledgeville Intelligencer (1808)
Milledgeville News (1909-1922)
Reflector (1817-1819)
Southern Recorder (1820-1872)
Southron (1828)
Standard of Union (1836-1841)
Union Recorder (1872-1920)

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Storia degli Stati Uniti d’America (1840-1900): la biblioteca digitale della Cornell University


La Cornell University partecipa al progetto Making of America con una collezione di testi digitalizzati (monografie e riviste) che documentano la storia sociale degli Stati Uniti d’America tra il 1840 e i primi del Novecento.

The Cornell University Library Making of America Collection is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. This site provides access to 267 monograph volumes and over 100,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. The project represents a major collaborative endeavor in preservation and electronic access to historical texts.

Elenco dei testi al momento disponibili:


Civil War Official Histories (160 volumi)
Selected 19th Century Monographs (144 volumi)


American Missionary (1878 – 1901)
American Whig Review (1845 – 1852)
Atlantic Monthly (1857 – 1901)
Bay State Monthly (1884 – 1886)
Century (1881 – 1899)
Continental Monthly (1862 – 1864)
Galaxy (1866 – 1878)
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine (1850 – 1899)
International Monthly Magazine (1850 – 1852)
Living Age (1844 – 1900)
Manufacturer and Builder (1869 – 1894)
New England Magazine (1886 – 1900)
New Englander (1843 – 1892)
New-England Magazine (1831 – 1835)
North American Review (1815 – 1900)
Old Guard (1863 – 1867)
Punchinello (1870)
Putnam’s Monthly (1853 – 1870)
Scientific American (1846 – 1869)
Scribner’s Magazine (1887 – 1896)
Scribner’s Monthly (1870 – 1881)
The United States Democratic Review (1837 – 1859)

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The Florida Digital Newspaper Library: la storia della Florida attraverso i giornali

Florida Newspapers

The Florida Digital Newspaper Library (FDNL) fornisce accesso alle notizie passate e presenti dello stato della Florida. Tutte le 800.000 pagine digitalizzate presenti in questo database sono disponibili gratuitamente in full text.

The Florida Digital Newspaper Library includes:

* Current Florida newspapers, digitized from 2005 – present
* Historic Florida newspapers
* Historic News Accounts of Florida

With the exception of the East-Florida Gazette in the 1780s and a small press at Fernandina in 1817, Florida had no colonial newspapers. Even in the immediate aftermath of cession in 1821, only a few newspapers served Florida. Historic News Accounts of Florida consists of stories and reports about Florida gathered together by the Goza and Mickler families and donated to the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History. All are from non-Florida newpapers and cover events in Florida from 1762 – 1885. The articles pre-dating the Territorial Period help to “fill in” the journalistic record at a time when there was no Florida press, while the articles from after 1821 both complement and supplement news published in Florida.

The newspapers in the Florida Digital Newspaper Library come from libraries and other organizations throughout the State of Florida. The majority are from the P.K. Yonge Library of Florida History at the George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, which holds the largest collection of newspapers in the State.

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After Slavery: un sito dedicato all’affrancamento degli afroamericani dalla schiavitù

freedman reading

Segnaliamo il sito After Slavery: Race, Labour and Politics in the Post Emancipation Carolinas che analizza le condizioni della popolazione afroamericana nel sud degli Stati Uniti negli anni immediatamente successivi all’abolizione della schiavitù.

Il sito, messo in rete nell’agosto 2009, fa parte di un progetto di ricerca avviato nel 2006 ed è il frutto della collaborazione di diverse istituzioni accademiche (Queen’s University Belfast, University of South Carolina, University of Memphis, Harvard University).

Il sito contiene, tra le altre cose, materiale didattico e una interessante bibliografia destinata a diventare tempo una collezione di documenti consultabili a testo pieno.

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The New South Newspaper (1862-1866): un quotidiano che racconta la Guerra di secessione americana


Tra le molte interessanti collezioni digitalizzate dalla Università della Carolina del Sud (University of South Carolina Digital Collection) segnaliamo quella che rende accessibili ai lettori le pagine del quotidiano storico The New South Newspaper (1862-1866).

Si tratta di una fonte di grande interesse per chi è interessato alla Guerra civile americana (1861-1865).

“The New South offers a glimpse into an era of unprecedented social upheaval in the South Carolina Lowcountry. In the Battle of Port Royal Sound of Nov. 7, 1861, Union Navy forces seized control of Port Royal Harbor, and Beaufort District’s white residents fled in their wake. Union forces occupied the district through the end of the war. Officials confiscated the abandoned properties and resold them to former slaves and Northern cotton speculators. Abolitionists resettled in the area to provide aid to the newly emancipated slaves, who comprised the overwhelming majority of district residents, and to open schools such as the Penn School on St. Helena Island. In 1865, U.S. Army General William T. Sherman issued Special Field Order No. 15, which reserved for former slaves the islands from Port Royal to Charleston (President Andrew Johnson later revoked the order). The years immediately following the war saw Beaufort’s economy diversify, the district reorganize as Beaufort County, and African Americans and the Republican Party rise to political prominence, led by Hastings Gantt, Thomas E. Miller, and Robert Smalls”.

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