Archivi tag: Stati Uniti d’America

Inaugurata la DPLA – Digital Public Library of America


L’attesa DPLA – Digital Public Library of America, annunciata da molti mesi, è stata ufficialmente inaugurata poche ore fa. La DPLA contiene 2 milioni e 400 mila documenti.

Leggi qui la notizia:

“The Digital Public Library of America has launched a beta of its website today. The previously planned launch event was to be held at the Boston Public Library this week, but was cancelled as a result of the Boston marathon bombings.The DPLA’s portal brings together the digital collections of public libraries and museums across the country, hoping to offer a streamlined, one stop destination for searching archives.

The project is still in beta, but it launches with several special sections beyond its search portal, including a map and timeline which allow users to browse and search information and items visually, and a library of applications, giving users access to apps created by developers using the DPLA’s API. At the time of launch, the app library includes two applications, both for searching and visualizing the DPLA collections.

The Library also launches with several special exhibitions, including A History of Survivance: 19th c. Upper Midwest Native American Resources in the DPLA, developed with the Minnesota Digital Library, This Land Is Your Land: Parks and Public Spaces, developed by the South Carolina Digital Library, and Boston Sports Temples, developed by the Digital Commonwealth.

The DPLA launches with 2.4 million records, including access to the illuminated 1514 manuscript of The Book of Hours, daguerrotypes of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, and works by Thomas Jefferson”.

URL: <>

Giornali storici americani digitalizzati: un catalogo

NewspaperCat è uno strumento che facilita la ricerca online di giornali storici digitalizzati pubblicati negli Stati Uniti d’America e nei Caraibi. Contiene i link a più di 1.000 quotidiani digitalizzati in full-text.

The Catalog of Digital Historical Newspapers (NewspaperCat) is a tool that facilitates the discovery of online digitized historical newspaper content from newspapers published in the United States and the Caribbean. NewspaperCat was funded by a grant from the George A. Smathers Libraries.

Search by keyword, newspaper title or by city, county or state to locate titles. From your search result, click on the link(s) to connect to the digital newspaper(s). In many cases, this content is keyword searchable, depending on the hosting organization.

NewspaperCat currently links to over 1000 full-text newspaper titles with a goal to include links to as many US and Caribbean newspapers with archival digital content as possible. Plans are to expand the Catalog as newly digitized newspaper titles are located.

URL: <>

via Archivalia

The New South Newspaper (1862-1866): un quotidiano che racconta la Guerra di secessione americana


Tra le molte interessanti collezioni digitalizzate dalla Università della Carolina del Sud (University of South Carolina Digital Collection) segnaliamo quella che rende accessibili ai lettori le pagine del quotidiano storico The New South Newspaper (1862-1866).

Si tratta di una fonte di grande interesse per chi è interessato alla Guerra civile americana (1861-1865).

“The New South offers a glimpse into an era of unprecedented social upheaval in the South Carolina Lowcountry. In the Battle of Port Royal Sound of Nov. 7, 1861, Union Navy forces seized control of Port Royal Harbor, and Beaufort District’s white residents fled in their wake. Union forces occupied the district through the end of the war. Officials confiscated the abandoned properties and resold them to former slaves and Northern cotton speculators. Abolitionists resettled in the area to provide aid to the newly emancipated slaves, who comprised the overwhelming majority of district residents, and to open schools such as the Penn School on St. Helena Island. In 1865, U.S. Army General William T. Sherman issued Special Field Order No. 15, which reserved for former slaves the islands from Port Royal to Charleston (President Andrew Johnson later revoked the order). The years immediately following the war saw Beaufort’s economy diversify, the district reorganize as Beaufort County, and African Americans and the Republican Party rise to political prominence, led by Hastings Gantt, Thomas E. Miller, and Robert Smalls”.

URL: <>

Riviste dell’area conservatrice americana: articoli online


Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) è un’organizzazione non-profit fondata nel 1953 con l’obiettivo di dar voce al movimento conservatore nato e sviluppatosi in seno al mondo intellettuale statunitense a partire dal dopoguerra. L’istituto pubblica monografie e riviste di di interesse storico e politico.

ISI Journal Archive è un sito attraverso il quale si accede gratuitamente alle annate retrospettive di tre importanti riviste di storia e filosofia della politica pubblicate dall’ISI: Intercollegiate Review, Modern Age e Political Science Reviewer.

  • Intercollegiate Review. A Journal of Scholarship and Opinion: sono disponibili in formato PDF tutti gli articoli pubblicati a partire dal 1965. 
  • Modern Age. A Quarterly Review: sono disponibili in formato PDF tutti gli articoli pubblicati a partire dal 1957.
  • Political Science Reviewer. An Annual Review of Scholarship: sono disponibili in formato PDF tutti gli articoli pubblicati a partire dal 1971.

URL: <>

The Oxford African American Studies Center: accesso gratuito fino al 1. marzo 2009


Per festeggiare l’insediamento alla Presidenza degli Stati Uniti di Barack Obama e in occasione del Black History Month, la Oxford University Press rende eccezionalmente accessibile al pubblico fino al 1. marzo 2009, gratuitamente  e senza limiti di accesso, The Oxford African American Studies Center, una risorsa preziosa per gli studiosi della storia e delle cultura delle popolazioni africane e afro-americane.

Per accedere alla piattaforma web è sufficiente fare login inserendo questi dati:

Username: barackobama

Password: president

“The Oxford African American Studies Center combines the authority of carefully edited reference works with sophisticated technology to create the most comprehensive collection of scholarship available online to focus on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture.

The Oxford African American Studies Center provides students, scholars and librarians with more than 8,000 articles by top scholars in the field. The core content includes:

In addition to the full-text of these works, the Center draws on other key resources from Oxford’s reference program, including the Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature, the Oxford Companion to Black British History, and selected articles from other major reference titles. Over 1,750 images, more than 300 primary sources with specially written commentaries, and nearly 150 maps have been collected to enhance this reference content. 150 charts and tables offer information on everything from demographics to government and politics to business and labor to education and the arts.

  • Over 7500 articles from Oxford’s authoritative reference program — with primary source documents, images, maps, chart and tables, and much more!
  • Search and Browse features allow you to focus and refine results by era and subject category.
  • Primary Source Documents, with specially written commentaries, take you through the personal and public histories of African Americans.
  • Maps illustrate over 90 country and territory articles, with thematic maps highlighting major events from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Timelines guide you through the history of African Americans in sports, the military, and more, including women’s history and Africa and the Diaspora.
  • Charts and tables provide information on everything from demographics to government and politics to business and labor to education and the arts”.

URL: <>

Documenti diplomatici degli Stati Uniti da Truman a Nixon


Sul sito del Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti d’America (U.S. Department of State) si possono consultare i documenti diplomatici delle amministrazioni che si sono succedute dal 1945 al 1976.

Nixon-Ford Administrations (1969-1976)

> Vol. I, Foundations of Foreign Policy, 1969-1972
> Vol. II, Organization and Management of U.S. Foreign Policy, 1969-1972
> Vol. III, Foreign Economic Policy; International Monetary Policy, 1969-1972
> Vol. IV, Foreign Assistance, International Development, Trade Policies, 1969-1972
> Vol. V, United Nations, 1969-1972
> Vol. VI, Vietnam, January 1969-July 1970
> Vol. XI, South Asia Crisis, 1971
> Vol. XII, Soviet Union, January 1969-October 1970
> Vol. XIV, Soviet Union, October 1971-May 1972
> Vol. XVII, China, 1969-1972
> Vol. XVIII, China, 1973-1976
> Vol. XX, Southeast Asia, 1969-1972
> Vol. XXIV, Middle East Region and Arabian Peninsula, 1969-1972; Jordan, September 1970
> Vol. XXIX, Eastern Europe; Eastern Mediterranean, 1969-1972
> Vol. XXX, Greece; Cyprus; Turkey, 1973-1976
> Vol. XXXIX, European Security, 1969-1976
> Vol. XL, Germany and Berlin, 1969-1972
> Vol. E-1, Documents on Global Issues, 1969-1972
> Vol. E-2, Documents on Arms Control and Nonproliferation, 1969-1972
> Vol. E-4, Documents on Iran and Iraq, 1969-1972
> Vol. E-5, Documents on Africa, 1969-1972
> Vol. E-6, Documents on Africa, 1973-1976
> Vol. E-7, Documents on South Asia, 1969-1972
> Vol. E-8, Documents on South Asia, 1973-1976
> Vol. E-13, Documents on China, 1969-1976
> Vol. E-14, Part 1, Documents on the United Nations, 1973-1976
> Vol. E-15, Part 1, Documents on Eastern Europe, 1973-1976

Johnson Administration (1964-1968)

> Vol. I, Vietnam, 1964
> Vol. II, Vietnam, January through June 1965
> Vol. III, Vietnam, June through December 1965
> Vol. IV, Vietnam, 1966
> Vol. V, Vietnam, 1967
> Vol. VI, Vietnam, January-August 1968
> Vol. VII, Vietnam, September 1968-January 1969
> Vol. VIII, International Monetary and Trade Policy
> Vol. IX, International Development and Economic Defense Policy; Commodities
> Vol. X, National Security Policy
> Vol. XI, Arms Control and Disarmament
> Vol. XII, Western Europe
> Vol. XIII, Western Europe Region
> Vol. XIV, Soviet Union
> Vol. XV, Germany and Berlin
> Vol. XVI, Cyprus; Greece; Turkey
> Vol. XVII, Eastern Europe
> Vol. XVIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-67
> Vol. XIX, Arab-Israeli Crisis and War, 1967
> Vol. XX, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1967-68
> Vol. XXI, Near East Region; Arabian Peninsula
> Vol. XXII, Iran
> Vol. XXIV, Africa
> Vol. XXV, South Asia
> Vol. XXVI, Indonesia; Malaysia-Singapore; Philippines
> Vol. XXVII, Mainland Southeast Asia; Regional Affairs
> Vol. XXVIII, Laos
> Vol. XXIX, Part1, Korea
> Vol. XXIX, Part 2, Japan
> Vol. XXX, China
> Vol. XXXI, South and Central America; Mexico
> Vol. XXXII, Dominican Republic; Cuba; Haiti; Guyana
> Vol. XXXIII, Organization and Management of Foreign Policy; United Nations
> Vol. XXXIV, Energy Diplomacy and Global Issues

Kennedy Administration (1961-1963)

> Vol. I, Vietnam, 1961
> Vol. II, Vietnam, 1962
> Vol. III, Vietnam, January-August, 1963
> Vol. IV, Vietnam, August-December 1963
> Vol. V, Soviet Union
> Vol. VI, Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges
> Vol. IX, Foreign Economic Policy
> Vol. X, Cuba 1961-1962
> Vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath
> Vol. XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962
> Vol. XVII, Near East, 1961-1962
> Vol. XVIII, Near East, 1962-1963
> Vol. XXII, Northeast Asia
> Vol. XXV, Organization of Foreign Policy; Information Policy; United Nations; Scientific Matters

Eisenhower Administration (1953-1961)

> 1952-1954, Vol. IV, The American Republics (Guatemala Compilation)
> 1952-1954, Guatemala
> 1958-60, Vol. X, Part 1, Eastern Europe Region; Soviet Union; Cyprus

Truman Administration

> 1945-1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment
> 1950-1955, The Intelligence Community


URL: <>

Don’t Know Much About History: e-book gratuito sulla storia degli Stati Uniti


Adobe Digital Editions è un applicativo della Adobe che consente di di leggere ed organizzare eBook e altre pubblicazioni digitali. Il download è gratuito.

E’ disponibile una biblioteca di e-book scaricabili gratuitamente, tra i quali segnaliamo questo manuale divulgativo di storia americana:

Don’t know much about history: everything you need to know about American history but never learned / Kenneth C. Davis. –  HarperCollins : 2003. – ISBN: 0060735392.

“Who really discovered America? What was “the shot heard ’round the world”? Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: Did he or didn’t he? From the arrival of Columbus through the bizarre election of 2000 and beyond, Davis carries readers on a rollicking ride through more than 500 years of American history” (scarica qui il file PDF del volume – 2439 KB).

URL: <>

Chronicling America: quotidiani americani digitalizzati (1897-1910)

Chronicling America è un progetto promosso dal National Endowment for the Humanities e dalla  Library of Congress come parte del programma nazionale statunitense per la digitalizzazione dei quotidiani storici (National Digital Newspaper Program – NDNP).

Il sito consente di ricercare, visualizzare e scaricare le riproduzioni digitalizzate di pagine di quotidiani storici americani pubblicati negli anni 1897-1910 e di reperire informazioni bibliografiche relative ai quotidiani americani pubblicati dal 1690 ad oggi e conservati presso la Library of Congress.

La fine del progetto, attualmente in corso d’opera, è prevista per il 2011, quando saranno rese disponibili tutte le annate comprese tra il 1836 e il 1922.

Elenco dei quotidiani al momento accessibili:

Amador Ledger (Jackson, Amador County, Calif) 

Los Angeles Herald (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 

The San Francisco Call (San Francisco [Calif.]) 

The Colored American (Washington, D.C.) 

The Evening Times (Washington, D.C.) 

The Hatchet (Washington, D.C.)

The National Forum (Washington, D.C.)

The Suburban Citizen (Washington, D.C.)

The Sunday Globe (Washington, D.C.)

Sunday Morning Globe (Washington, D.C.)

Sunday Washington Globe (Washington, D.C.)

The Washington Bee (Washington, D.C.)

The Washington Herald (Washington, D.C.)

Washington Sentinel (Washington City [D.C.])

The Washington Times (Washington [D.C.])

The Washington Weekly Post (Washington, D.C.)

The Weekly News (Anacostia [i.e. Washington] D.C.)

The Champion (Arcadia, Fla)

The De Soto County News (Arcadia, Fla)

DeLand News (DeLand, Volusia County, Fla)

The DeLand Weekly News (DeLand, Fla)

The Florida Agriculturist (DeLand, Fla)

Fort Pierce News (Fort Pierce, Fla)

Gainesville Daily Sun (Gainesville, Fla)

The Gainesville Star (Gainesville, Fla)

Gulf Coast Breeze (Crawfordville, Fla)

The New Enterprise (Madison, Fla)

The Pensacola Journal (Pensacola, Fla)

The Punta Gorda Herald (Punta Gorda, Fla)

The St. Lucie County Tribune (Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County, Fla)

The Adair County News (Columbia, Ky)

The Bee (Earlington, Ky)

Blue-grass Blade (Lexington, Ky)

The Bourbon News (Paris, Ky)

Breathitt County News (Jackson, Ky)

The Central Record (Lancaster, Ky)

The Citizen (Berea, Ky)

The Clay City Times (Clay City, Ky)

The Frankfort Roundabout (Frankfort, Ky)

Frankfort Weekly News. And Roundabout (Frankfort, Ky)

The Hartford Republican (Hartford, Ky)

Hopkinsville Kentuckian (Hopkinsville, Ky)

The Interior Journal (Stanford, Ky)

It (Lawrenceburg, Ky)

Liberty (La Center, Ky)

Mount Vernon Signal (Mt. Vernon, Ky)

Mountain Advocate (Barbourville, Ky)

Owingsville Outlook (Owingsville, Ky)

The Record (Greenville, Ky)

The Richmond Climax (Richmond, Ky)

Semi-weekly Interior Journal (Stanford, Ky)

The Winchester News (Winchester, Ky)

The Evening World (New York, N.Y)

New-York Tribune (New York [N.Y.])

The Sun (New York [N.Y.])

Blue-grass Blade (Lexington, Ky)

Deseret Evening News (Great Salt Lake City [Utah])

The Salt Lake Herald (Salt Lake City [Utah)

Richmond Dispatch (Richmond, Va)

The Times (Richmond, Va)

The Times Dispatch (Richmond, Va)

URL: <>

Newspaper Archive: quotidiani digitalizzati sulla storia degli USA è la più vasta banca dati a pagamento di quotidiani online. Buona parte del materiale digitalizzato, tuttavia, è accessibile gratuitamente: si tratta di centinaia di migliaia di pagine di carta stampata che raccolgono testimonianze preziose sulle principali vicende della storia degli Stati Uniti d’America. 

Abraham Lincoln (25.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about Abraham Lincoln detail one of the most renowned presidents in American history. As the 16th president of the United States, Lincoln led the Union through the Civil War, freed Confederate slaves with the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation and delivered the well-known Gettysburg Address”.


Olocausto (50.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about the Holocaust tell dramatic and horrific stories of the Nazi persecution and annihilation of Jews and other groups deemed ‘inferior’ by Nazi Germany such as the disabled, Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, communists, social democrats, Jehovah’s Witnesses, trade unionists and Slavic peoples such as Poles and Russians. While coverage of individually significant events in the history of the Holocaust is sporadic, reports on the persecution of the Jewish people and other groups in Europe are still prevalent in American newspapers before and during World War II. Although the full extent of the genocide perpetrated during the Nazi era was not known until the end of the war, stories about the detention of Jews, as well as the mass executions, were not absent”.


Immigrazione (50.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about Immigration tell stories of hope and determination. Yet they also report on the fears surrounding immigration in the US since the mid-19th century. From the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 to the Patriot Act of 2001, immigration and the security of the US’s borders has always been a controversial topic of conversation”.


L’assassinio di J.F. Kennedy (50.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy tell the story of a nation that reacted with shock and mourning. From the very minute the President was shot on November 22, 1963, news wires began humming ; transmitting every piece of information they could gather. By 1:38 AM, they were sending the grimmest news since the attack on Pearl Harbor, the 35th President of the United States was dead”.


Martin Luther King (50.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about Martin Luther King, Jr. tell the story of an African-American minister whose strong hope for social change never swerved his belief in nonviolence. During the American civil rights movement in the 1950’s and 1960’s, King encouraged nonviolent methods to protest segregation such as boycotts of city buses that gave preferential treatment to whites, sit-ins at lunch counters that refused to serve African Americans and mass rallies to draw attention to the civil rights cause”.


Ronald Reagan (45.000  pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about Ronald Reagan tell the story of a man who embodied the American dream. Born the son of a shoe salesman in Tampico, Illinois, Ronald Wilson Reagan ascended to the highest plateaus of power and fame as a movie star, California’s governor and leader of the free world as President of the United States”.


11 Settembre  (15.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about the attacks of September 11, 2001, tell a story of shock, grief, anger and determination. From the moment American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center at 8:36 AM, to the collapse of World Trade Center Tower 7 some nine hours later, Americans knew that the world had changed. The attacks of September 11 were the first on US soil in 60 years and newspaper reports tell of their effect on every facet of American society”.


Missioni spaziali (50.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about the space program tell the story of man’s attempts at and ultimate journeys to the stars. The heavens have always been the ultimate curiosity for man, for many centuries being an enigma without hope for an answer. However, over the last century, man has been able to reach the last true frontier. Beginning with the ideas and inventions of Professor Robert H. Goddard in the early 20th century, man has finally turned the dream of space exploration into a reality”.


Pearl Harbor (40.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about Pearl Harbor detail the destruction caused during the darkest two hours and 20 minutes in the history of the American Navy. The Japanese sneak attack of December 7, 1941, not only killed over 2,000 American sailors, it plunged the United States headlong into World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor on that placid Sunday morning in 1941 would become a signature moment for a generation. Like the attack on the Maine and the Battle of the Alamo before it, the attack on Pearl Harbor became the rallying point for American soldiers in every theatre of combat during World War II”.


Terrorismo (15.000 pagine di quotidiani liberamente accessibili)

“Newspaper articles about terrorism detail events that have shaped the world we live in today. Although terrorism has come to the forefront of American life in recent years, it is in no way a new addition to the concerns of American citizens both at home and abroad. While more recent attacks such as the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 and the attacks of September 11, 2001 have put a new face on terrorism in America, history shows that terrorism has been a part of our lives for well over a century”.