Archivi tag: sopravvissuti ai campi nazisti

Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust: testimonianze orali di ebrei inglesi sopravvissuti alla Shoah

La collezione di registrazioni sonore della British Library (BL Archival Sound Recordings) comprende una raccolta di testimonianze di ebrei sopravvissuti alla Shoah.

Tutti i file audio delle interviste raccolte sono liberamente accessibili senza restrizioni.

Sono disponibili anche i file con le trascrizioni integrali di tutti gli interventi.

These recordings are powerful personal accounts of the Holocaust from Jewish survivors living in Britain

The testimonies on this site are drawn from two major oral history programmes:

– The Living Memory of the Jewish Community – which between 1987 and 2000 gathered 186 audio life story interviews with Jewish survivors of the Holocaust and their children. It was initiated by National Life Stories based in the BL’s oral history section and funded by a number of organisations including the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation, the John S Cohen Foundation and the Porjes Charitable Trust. A large number of volunteer interviewers, led by Jennifer Wingate and Bill Williams, were recruited and trained, and recordings were made with a wide range of survivors from many parts of Nazi-occupied Europe, with pre-war refugees (such as Kindertransport child migrants) and a smaller number of children of survivors. The main programme of survivor interviews was later supplemented by interviews with the children of survivors – the Second Generation Also included here are a smaller number of recordings with UK born members of the Jewish Community,

– The Holocaust Survivors’ Centre Interviews was a National Life Stories collaborative project with the Jewish Care Holocaust Survivors’ Centre, a Jewish social centre in north London for survivors who were in Europe during the Second World War or who came to the UK as refugees. The project ran between 1993 and 1998 and gathered a total of 154 audio life story testimonies.

See more at:

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Risorse correlate:

> Ti racconto la storia: voci dalla Shoah (testimonianze orali di sopravvissuti italiani)

Campi di lavoro 1939-1945 (Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945)

Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945 è un progetto tedesco che raccoglie la testimonianza, attraverso la digitalizzazione di interviste audio e video, di 590 ex deportati nei campi di lavoro forzato nazisti provenienti da 26 diversi paesi.

Il progetto è frutto della cooperazione della Freie Universität Berlin e del Deutschen Historischen Museum, con il sostegno della Fondazione “Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft”.

Per accedere alla banca dati è necessario registrarsi compilando un modulo online: entro 48 ore vengono inviate le credenziali (username e password) per il login.

Dalla pagina di presentazione in inglese:

“Forced Labor 1939-1945” commemorates the more than twelve million people who were forced to work for Nazi Germany. Nearly 600 former forced laborers from 26 countries tell their life stories in detailed audio and video interviews. The interviews were digitized and have been made accessible online to support education and research.

The online archive provides access to nearly 600 life stories told by former forced laborers from 26 countries. The project aims to conserve, as well as to make easily available and securely accessible, the collection of audio and video interviews in many different languages that have been compiled by the Institute for History and Biography at the FernUniversität Hagen.

The survivors’ memories have been available for use by schools and memorials and for education and research since January 2009. The development of the online platform, further translations, indexing and preparation for educational use will be continued.

The project is supported by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” in cooperation with the Freie Universität Berlin and the German Historical Museum.

URL: <>