Sul sito dell’editore Springer è possibile accedere, per un periodo di tempo limitato e previa registrazione gratuita, ad alcuni fascicoli di riviste elettroniche di filosofia altrimenti disponibili solo a pagamento.
L’iniziativa, che prende il nome di Philosophy Reading Room, mette a disposizione quattro diverse riviste ogni due mesi.
Riviste che saranno consultabili nei mesi di novembre e dicembre 2011 (limitatamente ai fascicoli usciti nel 2009):
► Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy
Dao relates Chinese philosophy to other traditions, covering all subfields of philosophy. Uniquely, Dao looks beyond comparison of Chinese and Western philosophy. It also publishes articles on the relation between Chinese philosophy and other Asian philosophies such as Indian, Japanese, and Korean philosophy’s and between Chinese philosophy and African and Islamic philosophy.An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy
► Journal of Academic Ethic
The Journal of Academic Ethics is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed journal devoted to the examination of ethical issues that arise in all aspects of post-secondary education, primarily within a university context. Providing a forum for the publication and discussion of original research, the journal examines ethical concerns in research, teaching, administration, and governance.
► Nanoethics: Ethics for Technologies that converge at the nanoscale
Introduced in 2007, NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale provides a needed forum for informed discussion of ethical and social concerns related to nanotechnology, and a counterbalance to fragmented popular discussion. While the central focus of the journal is on ethical issues, discussion extends to the physical, biological and social sciences and the law. NanoEthics provides a philosophically and scientifically rigorous examination of ethical and societal considerations and policy concerns raised by nanotechnology.
► Review of Philosophy and Psychology
The Review of Philosophy and Psychology provides a forum for discussion on topics of mutual interest to philosophers and psychologists, and fosters interdisciplinary research at the crossroads of philosophy and the sciences of the mind, including the neural, behavioural and social sciences.