Archivi tag: preraffaelliti

L’arte dei Preraffaelliti online


Dante Gabriel Rossetti, ‘Venus Verticordia’

The Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource contiene circa 3.000 immagini digitalizzate della collezione del museo d’arte di Birmingham.

Il progetto è stato finanzianto dal JISC.

Informazioni sulla collezione digitale sono disponibili qui.

Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery received funding from JISC to digitise the Pre-Raphaelite collection and make it accessible online for the education community. The resulting Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource provides full record information and allows users to examine images in great detail. You can choose to browse the online collection, make simple searches or to interrogate the collection data using filtering tools. The ability to filter the collection in this way should be particularly useful for study and research. You can also interact with the online collection by creating your own personal collections of images and by discussing the works with the online community.

The Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource features 3000 digitised images from Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery’s Pre-Raphaelite collection, with major and more loosely associated artists from the movement all represented by works of art including sketches, paintings, engravings, tapestries, stained glass, ceramics and fine art objects.

In order to use the zoom feature, which allows to view details closely and pan across images, installation of the free Silverlight plug-in is required.

Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery received funding from JISC to digitise its Pre-Raphaelite collection.

Nota:  Per ingrandire le immagini è necessario installare il plug-in gratuito Silverlight.

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