Archivi tag: periodo vittoriano

Letteratura inglese del periodo Romantico e Vittoriano: un percorso proposto dalla British Library


Segnaliamo il dossier a fini didattici e divulgativi proposto dalla British Library sul periodo romantico e vittoriano, con particolare riferimento alla produzione letteraria.

Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians

Exploring the Romantic and Victorian periodsDiscovering Literature brings together, for the first time, a wealth of the British Library’s greatest literary treasures, including numerous original manuscripts, first editions and rare illustrations.

A rich variety of contextual material – newspapers, photographs, advertisements and maps – is presented alongside personal letters and diaries from iconic authors. Together they bring to life the historical, political and cultural contexts in which major works were written: works that have shaped our literary heritage.

William Blake’s notebook, childhood writings of the Brontë sisters, the manuscript of the Preface to Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist, and an early draft of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest are just some of the unique collections available on the site.

Discovering Literature features over 8000 pages of collection items and explores more than 20 authors through 165 newly-commissioned articles, 25 short documentary films, and 30 lesson plans. More than 60 experts have contributed interpretation, enriching the website with contemporary research. Designed to enhance the study and enjoyment of English literature, the site contains a dedicated Teachers’ Area supporting the curriculum for GCSE and A Level students.

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Bibliografia vittoriana (Victorian Studies Bibliography)

La Bibliografia vittoriana indicizza annualmente circa 400 riviste accademiche che studiano, con diversi approcci disciplinari, il periodo vittoriano.

Since 1933, the Victorian Bibliography has listed noteworthy publications (including articles, books, and reviews) that have a bearing on the Victorian period. Prepared by the staff of Victorian Studies and a committee of the Victorian Division of the Modern Language Association of America, the Bibliography annually indexes over 400 journals, representing scholarship in a range of disciplines.

La versione digitale della Bibliografia è a cura dei collaboratori della rivista Victorian Studies e della Indiana University Press, in cooperazione con la IU Digital Library Program. L’ultimo aggiornamento risale al 28 settembre 2010.

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