Archivi tag: opere d’arte digitalizzate

Artsy: arte sul web


Artsy è una risorsa web per collezionisti, appassionati d’arte, studiosi e studenti.

Raccoglie più di 250mila immagini di opere d’arte prodotte da 40mila artisti di tutti i tempi. Contiene la più vasta banca dati al mondo di arte contemporanea, con la possibilità di seguire l’attività e le mostre in corso degli artisti preferiti.

«Artsy features the world’s leading galleries, museum collections, foundations, artist estates, art fairs, and benefit auctions, all in one place. Our growing database of 250,000 images of art, architecture, and design by 40,000 artists spans historical, modern, and contemporary works, and includes the largest online database of contemporary art. Artsy is used by art lovers, museum-goers, patrons, collectors, students, and educators to discover, learn about, and collect art.

Artsy is a place to explore current and past exhibitions at museums and galleries, biennials, and cultural events, and to preview international art fairs before their doors open to the public.

One of Artsy’s most popular features for collectors is our online art fair previews. Here, you can view what exhibitors will be bringing to the fair, inquire on and collect works, and view special content such as “Insider Picks.” We preview more than 30 major art fairs including Art Basel, Frieze, The Armory Show, NADA, ArtRio, IFPDA, Zona MACO, and Design/ Miami».

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