Archivi tag: manoscritti rinascimentali

Corso di paleografia online: un tutorial per imparare a leggere manoscritti inglesi tardomedievali e rinascimentali

Il sito Scriptorium:  Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Online è un portale che dà accesso a una collezione di manoscritti digitalizzati realizzati tra il 1450 e il 1720 e a una serie di interessantissime risorse online per gli studiosi di paleografia.

Degno di nota è l’articolato corso online di paleografia che aiuta a muovere i primi passi nella lettura dei manoscritti inglesi tardomedievali e rinascimentali.

Welcome to English Handwriting: An Online Course. Here you will find a set of resources in late-medieval and early modern palaeography, designed for students and scholars of English letters, history, theology, and philosophy – for anyone whose research embraces original English manuscript sources in this period.

At the heart of the site is a fully interactive Course, along with a series of lessons, in late medieval and early modern palaeography. In our History and Context section, you will find a set of articles describing the development of English handwriting, writing methods and technologies during this formative period. Our Materials section presents a collection of guidelines on palaeographical questions, conventions and techniques. We also provide a detailed Bibliography, suitable for beginners, but convenient also for continuing reference. See also our guidelines on how to use the course.

English Handwriting: An Online Course draws on the rich manuscript holdings of the colleges of the University of Cambridge. It reflects the generosity of a wide array of students, scholars, and technicians. Without the participation of several Cambridge college libraries and archives, we would be unable to offer any of the illustrations on this site; without the hours of dedicated transcribing undertaken by our team of students and researchers, we would be unable to offer any of the model transcriptions or other lesson materials”.

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Europeana Regia: manoscritti medievali e rinascimentali digitalizzati

Europeana Regia, nato all’interno del più ampio progetto Europeana, si propone di digitalizzare e rendere fruibili gratuitamente in rete 874 preziosi manoscritti del Medioevo e del Rinascimento, con la collaborazione di cinque grandi biblioteche: la Bibliothèque nationale de France, la Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, la Biblioteca Històrica dell’Università di Valencia, la Herzog August Bibliothek di Wolfenbüttel, la Biblioteca Reale del Belgio. La conclusione del progetto è prevista per giugno 2012.

I codici manoscritti (scorri qui l’elenco completo dei codici già digitalizzati) sono stati raggruppati in tre sottocollezioni:

Europeana Regia è un progetto finanziato dalla Commissione europea.

January 2010 marked the beginning of the Europeana Regia project, which will digitise 874 rare and precious manuscripts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, with the collaboration of five major libraries located in four countries and the support of the European Commission. The project is expected to run for thirty months (January 2010 to June 2012) and will draw together three collections of royal manuscripts that are currently dispersed and which represent European cultural activity at three distinct periods in history: the Biblioteca Carolina (8th and 9th centuries), the Library of Charles V and Family (14th century) and the Library of the Aragonese Kings of Naples (15th and 16th centuries). These manuscripts will be fully accessible on the websites of the partner libraries and will also be included in Europeana.

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