Archivi tag: Ifpo

E-book gratuiti sulla storia e la cultura del Medio Oriente

Le pubblicazioni dell’Istituto francese del Medio Oriente (Ifpo – Institut français du Proche-Orient) diffondono i risultati della ricerca in campo storico e sociologico che riguarda i paesi del Medio Oriente, in particolar modo Siria, Libano, Giordania, territori palestinesi, Iraq.

E’ da pochi mesi disponibile in rete una collezione di libri in formato elettronico (quasi tutti in lingua francese, molti disponibili gratuitamente).

Presses de l’Ifpo takes care of the distribution and promotion of academic research carried out by the Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo) specialising in the Near-East – Syria, the Lebanon, Jordan, the Palestinian territories, and Iraq. Research published covers antiquity to the present day and comes from a number of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Presses de l’Ifpo produces at least fifteen works per year (not including co-publications) and has a large historical back catalogue of research (400 works) into the Near East inherited from its founding organisations, which date back to 1922.

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