ICON – International Coalition on Newspapers è un progetto americano che promuve e incoraggia l’accesso ai quotidiani di tutto il mondo attraverso l’elaborazione di strumenti bibliografici specifici.
ICON cura un database ad accesso gratuito che contiene le informazioni bibliografiche relative a più di 25.000 testate giornalistiche pubblicate fuori degli Stati Uniti.
ICON cura inoltre una preziosa pagina web dove sono elencati i principali progetti di digitalizzazione realizzati in tutto il mondo e consultabili online, elencati in ordine alfabetico per paese produttore (l’elenco è particolarmente dettagliato per quanto riguarda i progetti realizzati negli Stati Uniti). Si tratta sicuramente del repertorio più completo nel suo genere.
>> Newspapers Digitization Projects: http://icon.crl.edu/digitization.htm
Leggi la presentazione di ICON sul sito:
“The ICON – International Coalition on Newspapers project develops strategies to preserve and improve access to newspapers from around the globe, working on issues including bibliographic access, copyright, and information dissemination. ICON was officially established in 1999 by 13 charter members and is based at the Center for Research Libraries.
ICON provides a freely accessible database of bibliographic information for more than 25,000 newspaper titles from participating institutions.The ICON Database of International Newspapers is a freely accessible electronic resource intended to provide reliable information on newspapers published outside of the United States. It includes bibliographic descriptions of titles as well as specific information on institutions’ holdings of the same. The database serves as a central locus for information on international newspaper collections available in North American libraries and in selected libraries outside North America, providing a tool for resource discovery, access, and collection management.
ICON is supported in part through grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Its advisory board is comprised of representatives from the Library of Congress, British Library, Library and Archives Canada, University of Illinois, and University of Washington; many other institutions participate in ICON’s preservation, database, cataloging, and survey projects”.
URL: <http://icon.crl.edu/digitization.htm>