RAMBI – Repertorio bibliografico di studi ebraici è un progetto nato nel 1966 su iniziativa di Issachar Joel. Si tratta di una bibliografia di articoli accademici su temi inerenti l’ebraismo e la storia dello stato di Israele.
RAMBI si basa essenzialmente sulle collezioni della Biblioteca nazionale di Israele. Sono indicizzate migliaia di riviste a stampa o in fomato digitale e anche articoli inviati alla biblioteca da singoli ricercatori.
La banca dati contiene articoli in alfabeto latino, ebraico e cirillico. Alla fine del 2013 i record registrati erano più di 350.000.
«RAMBI – The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies was founded by Dr. Issachar Joel in 1966. It is a selective bibliography of academic articles covering all of the fields of Jewish studies as well as the study of Eretz Israel and the State of Israel.
RAMBI is based largely on the collections of the National Library. The articles listed in RAMBI are collected from thousands of journals, in print or electronic, from collections of articles and from offprints sent by researchers.
RAMBI refers to articles in Hebrew, Latin or Cyrillic letters. The database is updated on a daily basis. By the end of 2013 RAMBI included about 350,000 records, from about 21,000 different sources.
Rambi appeared in print from 1966 until 2000, volumes 1–50. The project for the conversion of the printed books (volume 1-28) to the online format was made possible by a contribution of the Littauer Foundation. Once the material was made available online, the print edition was discontinued.
A Rambi record includes – in its abbreviated form: author, title, bibliographic information and access to the full text. For further information please open the full record. Search options are: Subject, Author, Title, Source or keywords from any of these fields».