Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index è una banca dati bibliografica che indicizza articoli di riviste, recensioni di libri e saggi pubblicati a partire dal 1990 che trattano a vario titolo il tema della donna nel Medioevo (ruolo sociale della donna, sessualità, studi di genere). Contiene ad oggi più di 20.000 record bibliografici.
Le riviste spogliate sono circa 500.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Because of the explosion of research in Women’s Studies during the past two decades, scholars and students interested in women during the Middle Ages find an ever-growing flood of publications.
Identifying relevant works in this mass of material is further complicated by the interdisciplinary nature of much of the scholarship. In order to help researchers find current articles and essays quickly and easily, librarians and scholars began compiling the Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index in July 1996.
Books written by a single author are not indexed in Feminae; for these, check library catalogs that have strong collections in medieval studies.
There are over 20,000 records in the database currently, and more than five hundred records are added every four months. We index the most current year for which full journal volumes are available along with backlog years, and we are now working both on 2006-2007 and on the remaining publications from 1990 through 2005.
The time period covered is 450 C.E. to 1500 C.E. with Russia extending to 1613, the beginning of the Romanov dynasty, because the sixteenth century is still medieval in social and political terms. The geographic area is Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East as well as areas in which Europeans travelled.
Subject coverage for gender and sexuality means that articles on masculinity and male homosexuality are included. Publications in English, French, German, and Spanish have been indexed since the project began in 1996. Materials in Italian (published from 1990 to the present) began to be included in the database in May 2001.