EthicsWeb è un’iniziativa finanziata dalla Commissione Europea con l’obiettivo di fornire un accesso integrato alle varie banche dati normative e documentarie sui temi della bioetica per favorire lo scambio delle informazioni nei vai paesi dell’Unione.
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Dalla home page:
«ETHICSWEB strives to be the common European access point in regard to information on science and ethics with focus on European activities.
It is the overall aim of ETHICSWEB to stimulate an enhanced democratic debate on ethical issues of science and to promote a more engaged and informed public. Therefore, existing information and documentation systems will be connected to allow and ensure an easy access to comprehensive information on science and ethics. At the same time sophisticated tools, both technical and semantic, will be applied or – if necessary developed – to make the huge amount of information available for all parties involved. ETHICSWEB will be a common, decentralized European access point for information that is made available in different European member states, by various regional providers and centres as well as by international organizations.
ETHICSWEB strives for the documentation of different sources which include information on ethics and science like
- literature;
- laws, regulations and guidelines;
- training materials and training programmes;
- academic exchange programmes;
- centres, projects and experts;
- events and news (such as conferences, calls for papers and new initiatives)».