La Österreichische Historische Bibliographie fornisce dati bibliografici relativi a pubblicazioni di carattere storico che riguardano le province austriache dall’antichità al presente. La bibliografia comprende anche libri e articoli che trattano la storia di altri paesi, purché pubblicati in Austria.
La banca dati viene aggiornata settimanalmente (comprende al momento circa 200.000 voci) e comprende monografie, articoli di riviste, cataloghi di esposizioni, atti di congressi pubblicati dal 1945 in poi.
The Österreichische Historische Bibliographie provides bibliographical data on historical writing dealing primarily with the history of the provinces of Austria and on local history during all periods for which written documentation is available. It also includes books and articles of a more general character, as well as articles or essays prepared by the non professional historian who searches and records useful information.
The bibliography includes also material on the history of other countries of the world, if the material was published in Austria.
Starting with the annual report 1945 the bibliography lists books, articles from important Austrian historical periodicals and journals, festschriften, exhibition catalogues or proceedings of conferences or congresses. Master thesis, doctoral dissertations, habilitations are also recorded in the database. There are also entries published outside of Austria for the period from 1995-1999.
The database is weekly updated and contains at the moment more than 198.130 entries.