Archivi tag: Albert Einstein

The Digital Einstein Papers: gli scritti e le lettere di Albert Einstein accessibili online


Segnaliamo una meritoria iniziativa della Princeton University Press, un sito ad accesso libero dove è possibile consultare gli scritti di Albert Einstein conservati negli archivi depositati per lascito testamentario all’Università di Princeton, tuttora in corso di pubblicazione e costituiti da oltre 30.000 documenti.

Il sito offre alla consultazione tutti i 13 volumi finora pubblicati dagli editori dell’Einstein Papers Project, che comprende gli scritti e la corrispondenza di Albert Einstein dalla sua giovinezza al 1923.

Gli scritti sono presentati nella lingua originale, con note e apparato critico. Per molti dei documenti pubblicati è presente anche una traduzione in lingua inglese.

«Princeton University Press proudly presents The Digital Einstein Papers, an open-access site for The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, the ongoing publication of Einstein’s massive written legacy comprising more than 30,000 unique documents.

The site presents all 13 volumes published to date by the editors of the Einstein Papers Project, covering the writings and correspondence of Albert Einstein (1879-1955) from his youth to 1923.

The volumes are presented in the original language version with in-depth English language annotation and other scholarly apparatus. In addition, the reader can toggle to an English language translation of most documents.

By clicking on the unique archival identifier number below each text, readers can access the archival record of each published document at the Einstein Archives Online and in some cases, the digitized manuscript. Approximately 7,000 pages representing 2,900 unique documents have been digitized thus far».

[via Klaus Graf e il suo prezioso blog Archivalia]

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>>  Einstein Archives Online: i manoscritti digitalizzati di Albert Einstein

Einstein Archives Online: i manoscritti digitalizzati di Albert Einstein

The Einstein Archives Online Website fornisce libero accesso alla riproduzione digitalizzata dei manoscritti scientifici e non scientifici di Albert Einstein conservati presso  l’Archivio Albert Einstien dell’Università ebraica di Gerusalemme, oltre a consentire la consultazione di un ampio database dedicato a prezioso materiale d’archivio (appunti, corrispondenza, diari di viaggio ecc.).

The Einstein Archives Online Website provides the first online access to Albert Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific manuscripts held by the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and to an extensive Archival Database, constituting the material record of one of the most influential intellects in the modern era.


The site allows viewing and browsing of approx. 3,000 high-quality digitized images of Einstein’s writings, available for viewing in two sizes: a standard resolution image, as well as a high-resolution image for closer inspection. This digitization of more than 900documents written by Einstein was produced by the Jewish National & University Library’s Digitization Project and was made possible by generous grants of David and Fela Shapell.


The site enables access to the online version of the Albert Einstein Archives Finding Aid, a comprehensive description of the entire repository of Albert Einstein’s personal papers held at the Hebrew University. The Finding Aid, presented in Encoded Archival Description (EAD) format, provides the following information on the Einstein Archives: its identity, context, content, structure, conditions of access and use. It also contains a list of the folders in the Archives which enables access to the Archival Database and to the Digitized Manuscripts


The Archival Database allows direct access to approx. 43,000 records of Einstein and Einstein related documents. The records published in this online version pertain to Albert Einstein’s scientific and non-scientific writings, his professional and personal correspondence, notebooks, travel diaries, personal documents, and third-party items contained in the original collection of Einstein’s personal papers.

The Archival Database also presents records for all items that have been published since 1986 in the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein – scientific and non-scientific writings, notebooks, and correspondence – including an additional 534 items that were not part of the original Einstein Archive. Supplementary archival holdings and databases pertaining to Einstein documents have been established at both the Einstein Papers Project and the Albert Einstein Archives for scholarly research”.

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