Sir Winston Churchill
Il Churchill Archives Centre ha sede a Cambridge e raccoglie tutti i documenti originali scritti, inviati e ricevuti da Winston Churchill (1874-1965) nel corso della sua vita.
E’ disponibile online gratuitamente l’inventario di tutti i documenti presenti, ricercabile per parole chiavi (>> vai all’elenco dei termini indicizzati).
Gli originali possono essere consultati direttamente presso il Churchill Archive Centre, su appuntamento.
Le riproduzioni digitali dei documenti originali sono consultabili online solo da parte degli utenti abilitati (>> leggi le norme per l’accesso a pagamento).
The Churchill Papers consist of the original documents sent, received or composed by Sir Winston Churchill during the course of his long and active life.
The Churchill Papers are held at Churchill Archives Centre where they can be consulted by appointment.
The papers contain everything from Churchill’s childhood letters and school reports to his final writings. They include his personal correspondence with friends and family, and his official exchanges with kings, presidents, politicians and military leaders.
In April 1995 grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the John Paul Getty Foundation purchased the Churchill Papers for the nation.
The Churchill Papers have been catalogued in a project lasting over 6 years. This catalogue, containing over 70,000 entries is now available online and allows you to locate references to individual people, subjects or events at the touch of a button. The papers of Sir Winston Churchill comprise a total of 2,185 boxes (an estimated 1 million individual documents). The material consists of a variety of formats including paper, photographs, and artefacts.
The whole collection is now commonly known as the Churchill Papers, but historically it has been divided into two distinct groups.
- The papers dating from before 27 July 1945, when Churchill’s first term as Prime Minister ended, are known as the Chartwell Papers and were originally owned by the Chartwell Trust (catalogue reference CHAR).
- The papers dating from after 27 July 1945 (catalogue reference CHUR) are known as the Churchill Papers and were given to Churchill College by Lady Churchill in 1969.
Full list of classes in the Chartwell Papers (CHAR). Full list of classes in the Churchill Papers (CHUR).
Since 1974 the Papers have been housed at Churchill Archives Centre. The papers were previously held at the house of Churchill’s son, Randolph Churchill, at Stour, East Bergholt, Suffolk while he worked on the official biography of his father. When Randolph died in 1968 the Chartwell Papers were transferred to the Bodleian Library, Oxford where Martin Gilbert continued work on the official biography.
URL: <http://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/archives/churchill_papers/>