Stampa clandestina in Belgio tra le due guerre

Belgian War Press_1

The Belgian War Press è un progetto del Centro per la ricerca e la documentazione sulla guerra e la società contemporanea di Bruxelles e rende disponibili centinaia di giornali scritti, stampati e distribuiti clandestinamente in Belgio tra la prima e la seconda guerra mondiale.

“The Centre for historical research and documentation on War and contemporary Society launched a new website, The Belgian War Press, on the 14th of december 2012. Hundreds of Belgian newspapers, written, printed and spread during the two world wars can be found there. The website also provides background information on censored and clandestine war press in Belgium. Thirteen heritage libraries, archives and research centres from all over Belgium have participated in the project.

The Belgian War Press introduces you to hundreds of Belgian newspapers that were written, printed and distributed clandestinely during the two World Wars. Until now, this clandestine press had remained hidden in many archives, libraries and documentation centres. At the initiative of the Ceges/Soma and funded by Belspo, these newspapers have been digitised. It is now possible to read and search them at home. The Belgian War Press also offers background information on the censored and clandestine war press, on the project, its partners and the main reference works and catalogues.

Because of the restrictions imposed by the rights of the author, only the clandestine press of the two world wars can be consulted online on the site of The Belgian War Press. For this purpose, a search engine has been developed. You will find the different possibilities which this instrument offers here“.

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OpenEdition vi suggerisce di citare questo post nel modo seguente:
Elena Franchini (3 Maggio 2013). Stampa clandestina in Belgio tra le due guerre. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 18 Febbraio 2025 da

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