La Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ha avviato nel febbraio 2012 il progetto di digitalizzazione della sua collezione di musica a stampa pubblicata tra il XVI e il XVII secolo: si tratta della più vasta raccolta al mondo di musica polifonica a più voci e comprende anche intavolature e trattati teorici.
The first complete digital colour copies of the DFG-funded project “Printed sheet music of the 16th and 17th century for several voices in the BSB: digitisation and online provision” are available now.
The systematic digitisation of the almost 1,400 prints was started in February 2012. These works represent the largest collection worldwide of early printed sheet music and are mainly based on the holdings at the time of the foundation of the Court Library.
The majority of the prints are voice prints with vocal music for several voices, but also tablatures, chanson and choir books, as well as some individual scores and theoretical works.
The catalogue entries, complemented by bibliographic data and links to the digital collections, can be searched in the OPACplus and in the subject OPAC for music of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. The completed digital copies are furnished with internal hyperlinks to the tops of the voice books and with original tables of contents, and can currently be viewed in single-page or double-page mode in the DFG viewer.
A research tool permits searching for author, title, shelf mark and year of publication. Moreover, in the further course of the project a special viewer will be developed that will permit the simultaneous viewing of associated voices on one screen.
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OpenEdition vi suggerisce di citare questo post nel modo seguente:
Elena Franchini (26 Novembre 2012). Musica a stampa del Cinquecento e del Seicento. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 14 Febbraio 2025 da