Manoscritti irlandesi digitalizzati

Irish Scripts on Screen è una biblioteca digitale curata dalla Scuola di Studi celtici di Dublino. Contiene le riproduzioni digitali di alcuni di preziosi manoscritti conservati presso biblioteche pubbliche e istituti di ricerca irlandesi (ma non solo).

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Irish Script on Screen (ISOS) is a project of the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

The project is funded by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

The object of ISOS is to create digital images of Irish manuscripts, and to make these images – together with relevant commentary – accessible on a WWW site. The purpose of such a site is to provide an electronic resource which will:

  • provide exposure on the internet for a vital part of Ireland’s cultural heritage.
  • place these primary materials at the disposal of scholars and students.
  • contribute to the conservation of these valuable books and documents by creating images of high-resolution detail which, generally speaking, will reduce the need to handle the artefacts themselves.

Manuscript images are available in two formats:

small jpgs (c. 150-500 KB). These images are intended for the general user.They may be viewed by clicking on the relevant thumbnail. The image will open in a new window.

large jpgs (c. 1.5-5MB). These images are intended for the more specialist user (scholars, students, etc.). They may be viewed only following registration with the ISOS project: login details (username and password) will then be supplied.

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OpenEdition vi suggerisce di citare questo post nel modo seguente:
Elena Franchini (11 Luglio 2012). Manoscritti irlandesi digitalizzati. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 15 Febbraio 2025 da

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