Corso di paleografia online: un tutorial per imparare a leggere manoscritti inglesi tardomedievali e rinascimentali

Il sito Scriptorium:  Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Online è un portale che dà accesso a una collezione di manoscritti digitalizzati realizzati tra il 1450 e il 1720 e a una serie di interessantissime risorse online per gli studiosi di paleografia.

Degno di nota è l’articolato corso online di paleografia che aiuta a muovere i primi passi nella lettura dei manoscritti inglesi tardomedievali e rinascimentali.

Welcome to English Handwriting: An Online Course. Here you will find a set of resources in late-medieval and early modern palaeography, designed for students and scholars of English letters, history, theology, and philosophy – for anyone whose research embraces original English manuscript sources in this period.

At the heart of the site is a fully interactive Course, along with a series of lessons, in late medieval and early modern palaeography. In our History and Context section, you will find a set of articles describing the development of English handwriting, writing methods and technologies during this formative period. Our Materials section presents a collection of guidelines on palaeographical questions, conventions and techniques. We also provide a detailed Bibliography, suitable for beginners, but convenient also for continuing reference. See also our guidelines on how to use the course.

English Handwriting: An Online Course draws on the rich manuscript holdings of the colleges of the University of Cambridge. It reflects the generosity of a wide array of students, scholars, and technicians. Without the participation of several Cambridge college libraries and archives, we would be unable to offer any of the illustrations on this site; without the hours of dedicated transcribing undertaken by our team of students and researchers, we would be unable to offer any of the model transcriptions or other lesson materials”.

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Elena Franchini (17 Febbraio 2012). Corso di paleografia online: un tutorial per imparare a leggere manoscritti inglesi tardomedievali e rinascimentali. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 14 Febbraio 2025 da

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