Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History: una rivista open access della CDEC

Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History / Questioni di storia ebraica contemporanea è una rivista open access e peer reviewed del Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea (CDEC) di Milano.

La rivista pubblica contributi in lingua inglese su questioni della storia ebraica italiana e, più in generale, su problemi storici e storiografici connessi all’ebraismo.

Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History / Questioni di storia ebraica contemporanea is an open acces and peer reviewed journal published by the Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea (CDEC), an institute devoted to historical research that was established in Milan in 1955.

CDEC focuses its attention on the history of Italian Jews in the 20th century, the Fascist and Nazi persecutions, anti-Semitism. On these issues it leads, promotes and publishes scholarly research as well as collections of documentary sources (

The history of Italian Jewry features a number of specific traits: two thousand years of uninterrupted presence of the Jews in Rome, the historical layering of “Italian”, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, a continuous confrontation with Christianity first and the Catholic Church later, a rich production of religious art and craft which is today “dispersed” in the most important Jewish museums of the world; strong ties with Jewish groups in other Mediterranean areas and an impressive participation in public life since the second half of the 19th century and through the 20th . Moving from these and other considerations – and keeping in mind the specific nature of the CDEC as an institute of historical research –  in 2008 the Institute’s Scientific Board  decided to pave the way to the realization of Quest.

E’ appena uscito il secondo numero di Quest (ottobre 2011).

Indice degli articoli pubblicati in questo fascicolo:

  • Cristiana Facchini (a cura di), Modernity and the Cities of the Jews
  • Cristiana Facchini, The City, the Ghetto and two Books. Venice and Jewish Early Modernity
  • Francesca Bregoli, The Port of Livorno and its “Nazione Ebrea” in the Eighteenth Century: Economic Utility and Political Reforms
  • Tullia Catalan, The Ambivalence of a Port-City. The Jews of Trieste from the 19th to the 20th Century
  • Joachim Schlör, Odessity: in Search of Transnational Odessa (or “Odessa the best city in the world: All about Odessa and a great many jokes”)
  • Dario Miccoli, Moving Histories. The Jews and Modernity in Alexandria 1881-1919
  • Albert Lichtblau, Ambivalent Modernity: the Jewish Population in Vienna
  • Konstantin Akinsha, Lunching under the Goya. Jewish Collectors in Budapest at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
  • François Guesnet, Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Joel Wegmeister and Modern Hasidic Politics in Warsaw
  • Mark A. Raider, Stephen S. Wise and the Urban Frontier: American Jewish Life in New York and the Pacific Northwest at the Dawn of the 20th Century
  • Ehud Manor, “A source of satisfaction to all Jews, wherever they may be living”. Louis Miller between New York and Tel Aviv, 1911
  • Elissa Bemporad, Issues of Gender, Sovietization and Modernization in the Jewish Metropolis of Minsk
  • Mario Tedeschini Lalli, Descent from Paradise: Saul Steinberg’s Italian Years (1933-1941)

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Elena Franchini (2 Novembre 2011). Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History: una rivista open access della CDEC. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 18 Febbraio 2025 da

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