Segnaliamo un sito che raccoglie la documentazione relativa alla vita politica del Portogallo tra il 1820 e il 1926. Il sito, curato dalla Biblioteca nacional de Portugal, è consultabile in lingua portoghese e in lingua inglese.
“In Materials for the History of Elections and Parliament in Portugal, 1820-1926, mainly based on the collections of printed works of the National Library, the user will find a detailed bibliographic guide, a synopsis of basic data and information (chronology of parliamentary elections and legislatures, electoral laws and electoral results), and the reproduction of a significant number of texts (Constitutions, Parliament’s rules of procedures, electoral manifestos) and images (cartoons, photographs), organized in two periods: the Constitutional Monarchy and the First Republic (1910-1926). The “links” provide connection to other websites, national and abroad, with similar materials. The websites of both the Assembleia da República, where it is possible to consult the parliamentary journals of the past, and of the Arquivo Fotográfico Municipal de Lisboa, where it is possible to explore a rich collection of photographs (some of which relate with the political life of the first quarter of the 20th century), should be singled out here.
Being regularly updated, this site may be improved through the incorporation of new materials, as well as of the suggestions and corrections provided by its users.
The making of Materials for the History of Elections and Parliament in Portugal, 1820-1926 results from an agreement signed on 20 June 2005 between the National Library of Portugal and the team responsible for the research project ‘Parliamentary Recruitment in Portugal, 1834-1926’, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology”.
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OpenEdition vi suggerisce di citare questo post nel modo seguente:
Elena Franchini (13 Novembre 2008). Storia delle elezioni e del Parlamento in Portogallo, 1820-1926. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 10 Novembre 2024 da