Carte costituzionali 1776-1849: le prime Costituzioni del mondo in riproduzione digitale

Il sito The Rise of Modern Constitutionalism, 1776-1849 nasce con l’obiettivo di rendere accessibili in Rete le Carte costituzionali di tutti i paesi del mondo che sono state promulgate nel periodo conpreso tra il 1776 e il 1849 (1860 per gli Stati Uniti).

Al momento la collezione digitale comprende 1.045 documenti, tutti consultabili gratuitamente in riproduzione digitale.

The Rise of Modern Constitutionalism, 1776-1849 è un progetto di ricerca internazionale che coinvolge circa 50 studiosi e numerose istituzioni. Responsabile del progetto è il Prof. Horst Dippel (Università di Kassel, Germania). Partecipano al progetto, in qualità di partner, anche il Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum e l’editore K.G. Saur Verlag.

“In having seen birth as a ‘historical novelty’ (Dieter Grimm) in the course of the American and French revolutions in the late eighteenth century, modern constitutionalism revealed its initial core principles, while their subsequent development and implementation during the first half of the nineteenth century may be characterized with Michael Stolleis’s phrase of the ‘simultaneousness of the unsimultaneous’. Focusing on this central incubation phase of modern constitutionalism, this project will publish approximately 1500 documents and thus lay the foundation for a new assessment of this eminently important period of human history.

Another goal of this research project is to document the individual constitutional histories of a total of 51 countries in Europe, in the Americas, and in Africa as comprehensively and as accurately as possible. This is clearly a first in the scholarship of constitutional and legal history worldwide. Collections of this kind have only very rarely been attempted, let alone completed, in a satisfactory fashion. Even existing compilations — a few in Europe and in Latin America, some noteworthy in the United States — have proven to be fragmentary and incomplete when viewed against the broadly-based and comprehensive definition of modern constitutionalism as used in this project.

A further purpose of this large-scale publication venture may be seen in providing the foundation for a European constitutional history which does not exist to this date, though it is a pressing necessity in an age of globalization, growing emphasis on universal values and norms, and an increasingly involved discussion over a European Constitution.

Set in this context, his project will create for the first time a scholarly edition comprising all constitutions, amendments, and declarations of rights that were part of the rising tide of modern constitutionalism between 1776 and 1849 (1860 for the United States)”.

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Elena Franchini (30 Maggio 2008). Carte costituzionali 1776-1849: le prime Costituzioni del mondo in riproduzione digitale. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 17 Febbraio 2025 da

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