La Manchester University Press offre sul suo sito alcuni ebook gratuiti su temi di politica estera.
EU security governance / Emil Kirchner, James Sperling
“EU security governance informs the current debates about security within Europe and between Europe and the United States. The book is divided into six chapters: a conceptual introduction to the problem of European security governance; four substantive chapters that investigate the security policies of assurance, protection, prevention and compellence; and a conclusion that identifies the limitations and promise of the EU as a security actor.
EU security governance is well suited to faculty and students (both advanced undergraduates and post-graduates) in the fields of European Studies, European Integration, European Politics and International Relations”.
List of figures, tables and appendices
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction: the EU and the governance of European security
2. Policies of prevention: pre-empting disorder along the periphery
3. Policies of assurance: peace-building in south eastern Europe
4. Policies of protection: meeting the challenge of internal security
5. Policies of compellance: projecting force into an uncertain world
6. Conclusion: securing Europe in the 21st century
Emil Kirchner è professore di studi europei all’Università di Essex.
Devolution and power in the United Kingdom / Alan Trench
“Presenting original research, this book is the first comprehensive examination of intergovernmental relations in the devolved UK. It also examines how the UK’s practices relate to those practised in other decentralised and federal states, and adopts a resource dependency framework to examine the impact of devolution on the territorial distribution of power in the United Kingdom. It explains the paradox of autonomy and control as a form of ‘conditional autonomy’, which has been possible because of the benign political circumstances that have accompanied devolution’s early years – but which may not survive in rougher conditions”.
1. Introduction: territory, devolution and power in the United Kingdom – Alan Trench
2. The United Kingdom as a state of unions: unity of government, equality of political rights and diversity of institutions – James Mitchell
3. The framework of devolution: the formal structure of devolved power – Alan Trench
4. Funding devolution: the power of money – David Bell and Alex Christie
5. The politics of devolution finance and the power of the treasury – Alan Trench
6. The practical outcomes of devolution: policy-making across the UK – Alan Trench and Holly Jarman
7. The fragile divergence machine: citizenship, policy divergence, and devolution – Scott L. Greer
8. Washing dirty linen in private: the processes of intergovernmental relations and the resolution of disputes – Alan Trench
9. The parties and intergovernmental relations – Martin Laffin, Eric Shaw & Gerald Taylor
10. The European Union, devolution and power – Charlie Jeffery & Rosanne Palmer
11. The United Kingdom as a federalised or regionalised union – Ronald Watts
12. Conclusion: devolution and the territorial distribution of power in the UK – Alan Trench
Alan Trench è Honorary Senior Research Fellow (Constitution Unit, University College London).
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Elena Franchini (4 Marzo 2008). E-book gratuiti della Manchester University Press. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 14 Febbraio 2025 da