Open Humanity Press: pubblicazioni open access per la filosofia e le discipline umanistiche


Open Humanities Press  è un’iniziativa editoriale open access di levatura internazionale che ha l’obiettivo di diffondere liberamente in rete i risultati della ricerca accademica nel campo delle filosofia e delle discipline umanistiche. Le riviste pubblicate in rete dalla OHP sono tutte peer reviewed.

Elenco delle riviste disponibili:

Cosmos and History (ISSN 1832-9101) – A journal of natural and social philosophy. It serves those who see philosophy’s vocation in questioning and challenging prevailing assumptions about ourselves and our place in the world, developing new ways of thinking about physical existence, life, humanity and society, so helping to create the future insofar as thought affects the issue.

Culture Machine (ISSN 1465-4121) – The aim of Culture Machine is to seek out and promote the most provocative of new work and analyses in culture and theory from a diverse range of international authors. Culture Machine is particularly concerned to promote research which is engaged in the constitution of new areas of inquiry and the opening of new frontiers of cultural and theoretical activity. It is also committed to the generation of possibilities for new scholarship and research.

Fast Capitalism (ISSN 1930-014X) – An academic journal with a political intent. We publish reviewed scholarship and essays about the impact of rapid information and communication technologies on self, society and culture in the 21st century. We are convinced that the best way to study an accelerated media culture and its various political economies and existential meanings is dialectically, with nuance, avoiding sheer condemnation and ebullient celebration. We seek to shape these new technologies and social structures in democratic ways.

Fibreculture (ISSN 1449-1443) – A peer-reviewed international journal that explores the issues and ideas of concern and interest to both the Fibreculture network and wider social formations. The journal encourages critical and speculative interventions in the debate and discussions concerning information and communication technologies and their policy frameworks, network cultures and their informational logic, new media forms and their deployment, and the possibilities of socio-technical invention and sustainability.

Film-Philosophy (ISSN 1466-4615) – An international journal dedicated to philosophically reviewing film studies, philosophical aesthetics, and world cinema. A substantial resource for both students and researchers, Film-Philosophy offers scholarly articles, a discussion forum and a gateway to the best of the Web for Film and Cultural Studies in general.

Image and Narrative (ISSN 1780-678X) – A peer-reviewed e-journal devoted to visual narratology in the broadest sense of the term. In addition to tackling theoretical issues, the journal provides a platform for reviews of real-life examples. The languages of publication are French and English.

International Journal of Žižek Studies (ISSN 1751-8229) – Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher/cultural theorist and intellectual tour de force. Notwithstanding such caricatured media portrayals as “the Elvis of cultural theory” and the “Marx Brother”, Žižek has sustained enormous international scholarly interest with his inimitable application of otherwise esoteric works to contemporary mass culture and politics. Non-English language content is provided as an important part of IJŽS’s aim to be a meaningfully international journal.

Parrhesia (ISSN 1834-3287) – A journal that aims to gather a range of thinkers to examine the intersections between questions of subjectivity, politics, ethics, aesthetics and truth, intersections which both theoretically and practically form the critical points in our culture and in our time. As Walter Benjamin suggests it is these ‘perilous critical moments’ upon which the very act of reading, writing and thinking must be based.

Postcolonial Text (ISSN 1705-9100) – A refereed open access journal that publishes articles, book reviews, interviews, poetry and fiction on postcolonial, transnational, and indigenous themes. It fosters critical discussions about the culturally contested and transformative terrain of postcolonial literary studies. To remain critical of academically instituted forms of cultural and literary knowledge production, the journal is committed to a rigorous analysis of persisting imperial and uneven global relationships of power at the crossroads of class, gender, and race.

Vectors (Flash required): A new electronic journal that brings together visionary scholars with cutting-edge designers and technologists to propose a rethinking of the dynamic relation of form to content in academic research, focusing on ways technology shapes, transforms and reconfigures social and cultural relations.

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Elena Franchini (3 Marzo 2009). Open Humanity Press: pubblicazioni open access per la filosofia e le discipline umanistiche. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 14 Febbraio 2025 da

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