Sigmund Freud Papers: la Library of Congress mette online tutti i documenti digitalizzati


La Library of Congress, grazie al contributo della Polonsky Foundation, ha digitalizzato e reso liberamente accessibili online  i documenti dell’Archivio di Sigmund Freud depositati presso la biblioteca (>>leggi qui la storia del fondo).

Il fondo, costituitosi a partire dagli anni Cinquanta del Novecento, è eterogeneo e comprende lettere e scritti autografi, interviste a parenti, amici, collaboratori e pazienti e documenti di varia natura sulla vita e sulle opere di Freud.

The papers of Sigmund Freud have been assembled over many years, principally through the collecting efforts of the Sigmund Freud Archives (SFA). The organization was founded in 1951 by a group of New York analysts, including K. R. Eissler, Heinz Hartmann, Ernst Kris, Bertram David Lewin, and Herman Nunberg, to collect Freud letters and writings that were at risk of being lost or destroyed in the aftermath of World War II. Because Freud did not generally retain copies of his outgoing correspondence, letters written by him were geographically dispersed among his many correspondents. Over decades of collecting, the Archives has succeeded in obtaining many original Freud items through gift and purchase. When unable to acquire original documents, it has solicited copies, transcripts, translations, and printed editions. In addition to collecting Freud correspondence and writings, the SFA has assembled secondary material documenting Freud’s life and work. K. R. Eissler supplemented this record by conducting numerous interviews with Freud family members, associates, students, and patients, largely during the 1950s.

La collezione comprende 48.600 documenti, organizzati in dieci sezioni:

  • Family Papers, 1851-1978
  • General Correspondence, 1871-1996
  • Subject File, 1856-198
  • Writings, 1877-1985
  • Interviews and Recollections, 1914-1998
  • Addition, 1912-1983
  • Artifacts and Paintings, Circa 6th Century B.C.E.-1936
  • Oversize, 1859-1985

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Elena Franchini (2 Febbraio 2017). Sigmund Freud Papers: la Library of Congress mette online tutti i documenti digitalizzati. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 18 Febbraio 2025 da

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