DIAMM – Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music

Manoscritti musicali

DIAMM (the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music) è una risorsa per lo studio dei manoscritti musicali medievali.

Fin dalla sua nascita, che risale al 1998, lo scopo principale del progetto DIAMM è quello di raccogliere le schede descrittive e (quando possibile) le immagini digitalizzate di manoscritti polifonici conservati in biblioteche e archivi di tutto il mondo.

Disponibile anche una ricca bibliografia dedicata agli studi internazionali sulla musica medievale.


From its beginnings in 1998, the purpose of DIAMM (the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music) was to obtain and archive digital images of European sources of medieval polyphonic music, captured directly from the original document.

The project started as a collaboration between scholars at the University of Oxford and Royal HollowayUniversity of London, and is now based in Oxford in collaboration with the University Music Faculty and the Bodleian Library. DIAMM has created an electronic archive of more than 14,000 images, to assure their permanent preservation, and is able to present a significant number of them through this website to facilitate detailed study of this music and its sources.

DIAMM has been funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and is currently supported by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation. It incorporates work from the Motet database compiled by Thomas Schmidt-Beste and funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

URL: <http://www.diamm.ac.uk/>

OpenEdition vi suggerisce di citare questo post nel modo seguente:
Elena Franchini (19 Luglio 2013). DIAMM – Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music. Filosofia & Storia. Recuperato il 14 Febbraio 2025 da https://doi.org/10.58079/orfo

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